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A meat-free day per week

A meat-free

meal per week

     Raising animals for human consumption requires massive amounts of land, food and water, being also a significant source of greenhouse gases like methane, a gas that pollutes about 20 times more than carbon dioxide emitted by transports, contributing in 18% for the rise of global warming.

     Eating vegetables produces much lower emissions than eating meat and simple steps like changing our eating habits can have a great impact in our future.

       This is where our project takes action. One of our suggestions is to implement a vegetarian meal per week on schools’, hospitals’, nurseries’ and companies’ canteens and the creation of marketing campaigns and lectures to encourage people to do a meat-free-day per week at home, with their families, implementing new eating habits together, showing it’s benefits would be accompanied by professionals available to answer any questions related with this topic.

     Furthermore, easy and economic vegetarian recipes would be provided and show cookings implemented to show how easy vegetarianism can be contrary to what is though.

We don’t need to cut all animal products out of our life, but decreasing the amount of meat and increasing the amount of vegetables, fruits and nuts that we eat can do wonders for our health and the health our planet!

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